Hi! I’m Sam Hopper, Director of Constituent Engagement for Senator Comerford. In addition to my work engaging with the incredible constituents of the Hampshire, Franklin, Worcester [...]
On Friday, September 6, Governor Baker filed what’s called a ‘supplemental budget” or a “close out supp.” Here it is: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/191/H4067. You [...]
DEAR JO: The gaps in public bus routes make it difficult for Valley residents who do not drive to accept jobs in key local industries, such as health care and […]
Remarks given at The Future of Public Service School of Public Policy, UMass Amherst, August 29, 2019 Thank you to the School of Public Policy for inviting me to speak […]
DEAR JO: I just drove my husband to the train in Fitchburg for his daily commute into Boston. Northern tier rail in Massachusetts would be a game-changer for our family. […]