We’ve faced the ravages of a global pandemic and economic crisis for over a year, marshaling as much courage and patience as humanly possible. Municipal leaders, health care and frontline […]
Greetings, This Thursday, I am convening a Legislative oversight hearing on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout as the Senate Chair of the newly-formed Joint Committee on COVID-19 and Emergency [...]
Greetings, We’re writing with a reminder of MassDOT’s virtual public meeting and virtual public information platform which will stay open through this evening. Related documents and meeting [...]
At the beginning of every legislative session, the House and Senate vote on their own chamber’s rules and what are called “Joint Rules.” In Massachusetts, the initial consideration of bills […]
Greetings, What follows is another update regarding the Northampton roundabout project. As we shared on January 12, MassDOT explained that it would be conducting a public process to evaluate and [...]
Two years ago, The Daily Hampshire Gazette and I launched the Dear Jo column so that I could address constituent questions in a public forum in the name of transparency, […]