Dear Jo: We’ve heard the Legislature voted to extend formal sessions through the end of this year. What does that mean? What will happen in the fall? — Julie and […]
All year long, our team benefits immeasurably from the skilled, dedicated, and passionate work of interns and fellows. We welcome interns in the fall, spring, and summer. This summer’s crew, […]
Dear all, Over the past weeks, I’ve received more than 300 emails, calls and social media messages from K-12 educators and families. More on top of that about early childhood […]
A public hearing has just been announced for An Act responding to the COVID-19 emergency by instituting a moratorium of the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System. Hearing details: The [...]
On Friday, the Senate passed the Conference Committee Report for what was called the General Government / IT Bond Bill, a $1.8 billion investment to modernize our Commonwealth’s general [...]
Greetings, We’re writing again in partnership with Representative Sabadosa and Congressman McGovern, to share a third timely update on the archeological site in Northampton and the construction [...]