This Thursday, March 28 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, the Joint Committee on Transportation will hold a hearing on S.2055: An Act relative to gender identity on Massachusetts identification.
I filed S.2055 on behalf of the many, many constituents in our district who want–and should have the right to–self identify across the gender continuum. Self identity should be a right and this bill goes the distance allowing for choice of gender, including a non-binary option, on birth certificates and driver’s licenses.
The bill also calls on the Attorney General to canvass all other state forms that require individuals to indicate their gender, and report if the form allows someone to change their gender on the form or indicate a non-binary alternative.
Please come to the hearing and testify, spread the word, and/or send in written remarks to me at
I’m grateful to Senate President Spilka and MassEquality for their stellar leadership on this bill. Let’s get it passed this session!
You can find more information about the hearing on our events calendar.