By Jo Comerford In Letters of Support, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted January 9, 2024Joint letter to Massachusetts Department of Transportation in support of Franklin Regional, Berkshire Regional, and Pioneer Valley Transit Authorities’ FY24 Regional Transit Discretionary Grant application READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Letters, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted January 5, 2024Joint Letter to Governor Healey, Lieutenant Governor Driscoll, and the Executive Office of Administration and Finance regarding the 2025-2029 Capital Investment Plan READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Letters of Support, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted January 3, 2024Joint letter to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in support of Erving’s MassTrails application READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Letters of Support, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted October 27, 2023Joint letter to the Executive Office of Health and Human Services in support of The United Arc’s Provider Technology Grant application READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Letters of Support, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted October 27, 2023Joint letter to Governor Healey, Lieutenant Governor Driscoll, and the Executive Office of Administration and Finance in support of the release of the 2018 Environmental Bond Authorization for the Strathmore Mill Complex in Montague READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Letters of Support, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted September 19, 2023Joint letter to the United States Department of Transportation in support of the Franklin Regional Council of Governments’ Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Grant Program application READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Letters of Support, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted September 19, 2023Joint letter to the Executive Office of Elder Affairs in support of the South County Senior Center and Conway Council on Aging’s Hybrid Programming for Councils on Aging Grant application READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Letters of Support, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted September 13, 2023Joint letter to the United States Department of Transportation in support of the Town of Northfield’s Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Program application READ MORE
By Katelyn Billings In Letters of Support, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted September 5, 2023Joint letter to Executive Office of Economic Development in support of Stone Soup Cafe’s Community Empowerment & Reinvestment Grant application READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Letters of Support, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted August 11, 2023Joint letter to the United States Department of Transportation in support of the Franklin Regional Council of Governments’ (FRCOG) Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Program READ MORE