By Jo Comerford In Testimony, Letters, Reports & Statements, TestimonyPosted October 29, 2024Written Comment from Sen. Comerford and Rep. Domb to the Department of Public Utilities re DPU Docket 24-15 READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Testimony, Letters, Reports & Statements, TestimonyPosted July 15, 2024Joint testimony in support of H.4824-SD.3320 Channel Marker Bill to the Joint Committee on the Environment READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Testimony, Letters, Reports & Statements, TestimonyPosted July 2, 2024Senator Comerford’s Testimony on 2025-2029 Capital Investment Plan READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Testimony, Letters, Reports & Statements, TestimonyPosted May 7, 2024Senator Comerford’s Testimony on An Act relative to strengthening Massachusetts’ economic leadership READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Testimony, Letters, Reports & Statements, TestimonyPosted May 7, 2024Senator Comerford’s Testimony on An Act relative to strengthening Massachusetts’ economic leadership READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Testimony, Letters, Reports & Statements, TestimonyPosted May 2, 2024Testimony from Legislators on Rural Priorities for H.4459 – An Act relative to strengthening Massachusetts’ economic leadership READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Testimony, Letters, Reports & Statements, TestimonyPosted February 16, 2024Comment on SMART Solar Incentive Program READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Testimony, Letters, Reports & Statements, TestimonyPosted January 31, 2024Testimony from Senator Comerford on 2024 Intended Use Plan – Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and Clean Water State Revolving Fund READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Testimony, Letters, Reports & Statements, TestimonyPosted December 11, 2023Testimony from Senator Comerford on An Act granting a local option for a real estate transfer fee to fund affordable housing READ MORE
By Jo Comerford In Testimony, Letters, Reports & Statements, TestimonyPosted November 15, 2023Testimony from Legislators on Proposed Language Allowing Non-Gender Designated Multi-User Bathrooms READ MORE