On January 1, 2025, I was sworn in to the Massachusetts State Senate for my fourth term representing the Hampshire, Franklin, Worcester district.
During the moving opening ceremony, I was inspired by what I heard from Senate leadership about our chamber’s priorities for the 2025-2026 legislative session.
Senate President Karen Spilka and Minority Leader Bruce Tarr both spoke boldly and unequivocally about taking up K-12 education funding reform this session.
The Senate President said, “… it has been some time since we closely examined some aspects of the K-12 policy and funding formulas. I hope to tackle that this session ….”
The Minority Leader said, “… we have a Chapter 70 formula that needs revision. We need to understand that many districts have decreasing enrollment but increasing costs ….”
Listen to their full remarks here.
See my reaction to this exciting news here.
Education funding reform is just one of the many issues I’m excited to tackle, bolstered by your advocacy, in the 194th session of the Massachusetts Legislature. Let’s get to it!