
Meet Jo

I’m proud to serve the people of the Hampshire, Franklin, Worcester district as your state senator. It’s my job to make sure that Massachusetts policy and spending decisions work in the best interest of everyone.

What's Jo working on?


I believe in the promise of excellent public education. That’s why I am working to increase state funding — pre-K through higher education — while also focusing on more equitable education policies.


Health care must be a right of all residents. Our fragmented system is costly, inequitable, and often does not provide optimal care. I am working to expand access to affordable, quality health care for everyone.


Bold action is needed to address global warming. I am working to seize the Green New Deal promise which links together fighting climate change, racial justice, and good jobs.

The Issues That Matter

Take a moment to learn about some of the issues my team and I are tackling on behalf of our district.

I want to hear from you!

I’m here to represent everyone in the Hampshire, Franklin, Worcester district.

Let me know what’s important to you.


Updates from Jo


As we reflect on the 2023-2024 legislative session and look forward to the 2025-2026 session, please find our combo November and December newsletter below. This newsletter includes a legislative [...]

My team and I work for you.

Please let us know how we can help.

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