By Sam Hopper In Letters, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted October 7, 2021Joint letter to Secretary Theoharides urging appointment of healthy soils expert to food policy council READ MORE
By Sam Hopper In Letters, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted September 23, 2021Joint letter supporting striking maximum Green Communities project cost amount from statute READ MORE
By Sam Hopper In Letters, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted September 9, 2021Joint letter to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regarding mold issues in South Hadley High School READ MORE
By Sam Hopper In Letters, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted August 31, 2021Letter to Executive Office of Administration and Finance in support of the Bernardston fire station READ MORE
By Sam Hopper In Letters, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted August 31, 2021Letter to Senate President Spilka and Chair Rodrigues regarding the Bernardston fire station READ MORE
By Sam Hopper In Letters, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted August 17, 2021Joint letter to federal colleagues regarding safe evacuation of Afghan allies READ MORE
By Sam Hopper In Letters, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted August 2, 2021Joint letter to Secretary Sudders regarding MassHealth 1115 Medicaid Waiver READ MORE
By Sam Hopper In Letters, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted July 22, 2021Letter to the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency regarding municipal expenses from recent storms READ MORE
By Sam Hopper In Letters, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted July 13, 2021Joint letter to the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources regarding the aerial spraying opt-out applications denials READ MORE
By Sam Hopper In Letters, Testimony, Letters, Reports & StatementsPosted July 7, 2021Joint Letter to Commissioner Montgomery regarding open water swimming at Walden Pond READ MORE